What Are the Signs of Alcoholism? Substance Abuse What Are the Signs of Alcoholism?

What Are the Signs of Alcoholism?

Alcoholism is prevalent in America, affecting over one-third of the population. Alcoholism and binge drinking are particularly common in younger adults. Thankfully, you can get help if you see the signs of alcoholism within you. 

Alcoholism is an addiction, but society often disregards the dependence because drinking is legal and socially acceptable. However, if drinking becomes a priority in life and begins to take over, it is essential to understand the signs of addiction and whether it is time to get help.  

What Causes Alcoholism?

Alcoholism is categorized as a substance abuse disorder but can have many causes. Often clients struggling with symptoms of alcoholism also have a co-occurring mental health disorder like depression, PTSD, or anxiety


Alcohol can be used to self-medicate when other medications or therapies are unavailable, insufficient, or untested.


Genetics can contribute to the risk of alcohol addiction signs. If you have a family member who is struggling with alcoholism or has struggled at some point in their past, you might be predisposed to developing an addiction yourself.


Your environment can increase the risk of alcohol addiction symptoms. If you live in an environment where other people drink regularly or where you are exposed to trauma, if you live near a bar or liquor store, these characteristics can make it more likely that you will develop harmful drinking habits. 

What Are the Signs of Alcoholism?

Short-term signs of alcoholism are many of the same signs of intoxication but to a higher degree. Some include:

  • Engaging in risky behavior
  • Impaired cognition
  • Memory problems
  • Bad coordination
  • Slurred speech
  • Secretive behavior

But continued drinking can lead to tolerance, addiction, and signs of alcoholism. Longer-term behavioral signs include:

  • Problems managing drinking
  • Being secretive about drinking, hiding how much or how often you drink, 
  • Not being able to stop drinking once you start
  • No longer interested in hobbies or social activities you once enjoyed
  • Craving alcohol when you aren’t drinking often causes physical signs like sweating, shaking, or nausea
  • Experiencing financial problems because of alcohol
  • Dealing with legal troubles like DUIs
  • Facing issues at work or school, or at home because of excessive drinking
  • Finding it difficult to live without alcohol

Many people with alcohol addiction signs are unaware of how severe their alcohol addiction symptoms are or are in denial of their issues, such as thinking they can stop at any time. Others might be aware of the symptoms of alcoholism they have, the damage to their relationships or personal life, but can’t stop themselves from drinking again. 

Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms

Drinking too much can cause significant withdrawal symptoms, often joked about as common hangover symptoms–but they can represent bad alcohol addiction symptoms. These can include:

  • Shaking
  • Anxiety
  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Confusion
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Fever
  • And strong cravings

What Can I Do if I Have Alcohol Addiction Signs?

If you notice signs of alcoholism in yourself or others, there are ways you can get help. Facilities like Centric Group can provide treatment. 

Alcohol addiction symptoms indicate a need for special services like medical detox and residential and outpatient alcohol rehab. Alcohol withdrawal symptoms are dangerous without professional help because they can lead to health risks like hallucinations, seizures, or delirium tremens. Centric Group can direct you to professional detox centers that offer FDA-approved medications to help manage the severity of withdrawal symptoms of alcoholism and ongoing cravings. 

Alcohol addiction signs include cravings. Cravings are when you desire alcohol more than anything else, and they can lead to relapse. Centric Group facilities can also provide medications to treat the cravings for alcohol addiction symptoms. 

After detox, you can receive personalized inpatient or outpatient treatment. Your treatment will include individual and group psychotherapy to help you:

  • Identify things in your life that led to or contributed to alcoholism
  • Learn how to manage stress or triggers without using alcohol
  • Develop skills that prevent relapse and provide trigger management

The treatment you receive should be customized to your needs. Some clients might struggle with alcohol addiction signs because they have a family history of alcoholism. For these clients, family therapy might be useful. Other clients might struggle with alcohol addiction signs because of untreated trauma and PTSD. For these clients, trauma-informed care might be better. When you reach out to Centric Group, we can help you find top-rated addiction treatment centers near you. Contact us today to learn more about addiction treatment services in Florida and other areas near you and how to find the best level of care for your needs.