Who We Help

Young Adults

Discover how our specialized programs can help you find healing & recovery.

Addiction Treatment for Young Adults

When you’re beginning your life as an adult, it’s a transitional period that can be emotional and highly stressful. These factors contribute to millions of young adults having a substance use disorder (SUD), often with one or more co-occurring mental health disorders.

According to data and research from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), 8.8 million young adults have a mental illness, and 42 percent of those are untreated. Additionally, 5.1 million young people had a reported SUD, with 87 percent going untreated. Around 35 percent of people between the ages of 18 and 25 said they engaged in binge drinking. Young people are not only the most likely to use alcohol but illicit drugs as well. Among people in their early 20s, substances most often used include marijuana, hallucinogens, amphetamines, and cocaine.

Young adults, beginning at 18 and extending into the mid-to late-20s, have the highest rates of substance misuse of any population.

These are startling facts, but help is available.

Centric Behavioral Health provides addiction treatment for young adults, considering their unique needs in creating effective treatment plans. Contact us today to learn more about our top-rated addiction treatment centers near you.

Treatment Options

Our world-class programs offer evidence-based treatment for substance abuse, dual-diagnosis and mental health conditions in boutique environments. From our expertly trained staff to our individualized treatment planning, when you choose one of our facilities you can trust you are in good hands.

We work with most major insurance carriers.

Centric Behavioral Health facilities work with most major health insurance carriers in order to provide effective, accessible treatment options for substance abuse and mental health.

Why Are Young Adults Vulnerable to Substance Use?

There are scientific explanations for why young adults are especially vulnerable to substance use.

The area of the brain that includes our reward center develops in adolescence before the part of the brain that controls things like inhibition and decision-making. The decision-making area of the brain is the frontal lobe, and it’s not fully developed until someone reaches their mid-20s. Researchers believe this pattern of brain development can play a role in the tendency of young people to engage in risk-taking, including substance use.

There are also social and environmental factors that can play a role. For example, when you’re starting your adulthood journey, using drugs or alcohol might seem like part of your exploration, or you might use substances to fit in with others.

There’s also the concept of self-medication common among young adults. Many people in their late teens and early twenties have untreated mental health disorders, so they might turn to substances to self-medicate.

The signs of addiction in young adults can include:

  • Cravings for a substance. A person might get irritable or edgy when they aren’t able to use drugs or alcohol.
  • Financial problems or spending more money than usual.
  • Impairments in judgment and decision-making.
  • Social isolation from friends and family.
  • Neglecting responsibilities at school, home, or work.
  • Defensiveness, especially if asked about substance use.
  • Physical dependence, including withdrawal symptoms if cutting back or stopping the substance.
  • Friendships with people who aren’t healthy influences.
  • Changes in appearance, such as weight.
  • Shifts in eating or sleeping patterns.
  • Dishonesty or deceit.
  • Legal problems.

Centric Behavioral Health considers its unique needs in our young adult drug and alcohol rehab programs, available at our centers throughout the country.

Xanax Addiction Treatment Center

Drug Rehab Centers for Young Adults

Young adult substance abuse treatment presents a unique opportunity. Addiction is considered a chronic, progressive disease. The longer addiction goes untreated, the worse it becomes. As it becomes more severe, addiction gets harder to treat. Early interventions when someone is still a young adult can offer many advantages.

For example, a young adult might seek treatment even though they don’t necessarily have full-blown addiction, but they can avoid that happening.

Addiction treatment for young adults will offer specialized counseling and therapies focused on this population’s unique needs. Young adults might participate in inpatient programs and support groups and could live in supportive housing, allowing them to experience their peers’ support.

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Your journey to wellness begins at one of Centric Behavioral Health’s top-rated programs around the country. Our caring admissions team is standing by ready to help you right now.

Types of Addiction Treatment for Young Adults

At Centric Behavioral Health, we use a continuum-of-care approach to treating addiction in young adults. Clients go through levels of care rather than completing a single treatment, which is a gradual process. The continuum of care allows clients to learn coping mechanisms and strategies over time, better preparing them to return to their daily lives.

The specific types of treatment and levels of care a person participates in depend on their needs and individualized treatment plan. Factors that can play a role in a treatment plan include:

Factors that can play a role in a treatment plan include: the length of time client has been using substances, how severe the addiction is, whether multiple substances are being used, co-occurring mental health disorders, and a willingness to leave home for some time for inpatient treatment.

Levels of care include:

Medical detox is the first step for most clients during young adult substance abuse treatment. Addiction to drugs and alcohol creates physical dependence. When stopping, a person is likely to experience withdrawal symptoms. These can range from mild and flu-like to severe and even life-threatening.

Withdrawal symptoms are difficult to manage without medical intervention. A medical detox makes a client safe and comfortable during this time. The treatment team can provide medications when needed, along with monitoring.

Once a medical detox ends, a client can begin their actual treatment. Detox is a step to getting treatment but is not a standalone addiction treatment.

Many people’s next step toward their recovery journey is inpatient rehab. Inpatient rehab is residential, so clients live onsite. The therapy day is centered around behavioral therapies in group and individual settings. Depending on someone’s treatment plan, it might also include family therapy.

A residential rehab has the unique advantage of being an environment exclusively focused on recovery, free of distractions and triggers.

The defining feature of outpatient rehab is that clients live off-site during these programs, whether that’s at home or in a supportive sober living house.

Beyond that similarity, outpatient programs can vary greatly in intensity and time commitment.

For example, a partial hospitalization program is very similar to inpatient rehab in terms of scheduling and structure.

Intensive outpatient programs are a step down between inpatient or partial hospitalization programs and traditional outpatient rehab.

Then, the lowest level of outpatient care includes checking in with your treatment team but primarily managing your recovery independently. You can put into use your newly developed coping skills in real-world settings.

You work on recovery throughout your life; with that in mind, aftercare is part of a treatment plan. Aftercare might include participation in support groups, like 12-step programs. It can also include referrals to therapists and healthcare providers in your local community, living in supportive housing, or anything that will facilitate a successful transition after your formal treatment program ends.

Learn More About Addiction Treatment for Young Adults

Whether you have questions and want to learn more, are looking for help for a loved one, or would like to take the next step toward your recovery, contact Centric Behavioral Health. If you are looking for addiction treatment services in Florida or Tennessee, Centric Behavioral Health Can help. If you’d like to learn more about our inpatient drug rehab centers, contact us today.

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Centric Behavioral Health is dedicated to helping others. Our mission is to connect those who contact us with our trusted treatment programs around the country. Contact us today to learn more about our expert programs and how we can help you find long-term healing today.