Benefits of a Women-Only Rehab Treatment Benefits of a Women-Only Rehab

Benefits of a Women-Only Rehab

Seeking help for addiction as a woman can come with a great deal of uncertainty, fear, and concern. You might worry that you have nowhere to go and that other people will judge you for any shortcomings. However, not all treatment centers are the same. You can find women-only rehab centers that give you the safe, supportive facility you need to remain sober for the rest of your life.

Finding Safety in Gender-Specific Rehab

There are several benefits to attending a women-only rehab program, starting with a sense of safety. Many women turn to drugs and alcohol because they have been victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, or abuse.

Among women, between fifty-five and ninety-nine percent have a history of abuse. Similarly, women are more likely to deal with depression, anxiety, and addiction. 

At an addiction treatment center for women, women don’t have to worry about treatment programs that include men who might trigger that emotional baggage. Women can openly share fears, motivations, and factors contributing to addiction.

  • To address the high abuse rate, many women-only rehab centers have female staff members trained in trauma-informed therapy. This means they utilize modalities needed to create successful recovery based on your needs, experiences, and addiction history.

Receive Nurturing Care at a Women Only Rehab Center

When you attend an addiction treatment center for women, you can find programs that not only have all females in attendance but are also run or taught by female practitioners. This type of environment can empower women to identify the root causes of things like abuse.

Research indicates that women have a high correlation between addiction and trauma often associated with a man, such as a physically abusive partner, sexual abuse by male family members, or drug-using male family members.

Female clients and facilitators or mental health professionals are more likely to be attentive to emotional needs rather than place blame or become defensive. This means that everyone around you is more likely to support you.

You won’t have to worry about competition or maintaining your ego. Instead, you’ll know that everyone is there to help one another and to enjoy that same sense of community that you can participate in.

  • Gender-specific rehab centers will remove threats or triggers caused by male clients to address the high correlation between addiction and trauma. This enables women to start their recovery journey with comfort. 

Unique Issues Among Women

When you receive treatment from an addiction treatment center for women, you get to tackle issues that are specific to the female population. For example:

  • You can address issues of guilt experienced by women who reach out for help and feel as though they are abandoning their families.
  • You can address issues of shame associated with choosing self-care over the needs of family members.
  • You can talk about issues related to previous trauma and social stigma. 

Part of the benefit of being able to openly discuss issues relevant to women is that you will build connections and friendships with other clients. These relationships can encourage sobriety long after you leave your treatment center. They can open you up to sober networks you can turn to when you are struggling with a potential relapse and help you find sober activities.

With women’s only rehab centers, you also get an environment tailored to activities and therapies best suited to women. This can include:

  • Spa treatments
  • Yoga
  • Meditation
  • Art therapy
  • Hiking
  • Animal therapy
  • Music therapy

Centric Behavioral Health Offers Women’s Addiction Treatment

If you are looking to start a women’s only rehab program, you can reach out to Centric Group. After a short evaluation with a few questions, we can connect you to several gender-specific rehab facilities in your area. We can help you refine the list of available facilities based on things like the type of holistic care they offer, the length of their programs, and what insurance they accept.

Everyone deserves to feel safe and supported in their recovery. If participating in gender-specific rehab programs can offer even a little bit more safety and security, it might be well worth the investment.

Let Centric Group help you find gender-specific rehab today. Call our team at (844) 233-8205.