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Bipolar Disorder
Learn more about Bipolar Disorder treatment today.
Behavioral Healthcare Treatment
Bipolar Disorder Treatment
When someone has bipolar disorder, they are at a greater risk of other co-occurring disorders, including substance use and addiction. Bipolar disorder, previously called manic depression, is characterized by extreme emotional highs and lows.
Centric Behavioral Health is a provider of bipolar disorder treatment as part of our dual-diagnosis addiction rehab programs.
Treatment Options
We offer to help clients safely manage withdrawal symptoms surrounded by trusted medical professionals.
Residential Inpatient
Our residential rehab programs offer you an immersive inpatient treatment experience personalized to your needs in treatment.
Partial Hospitalization
The partial day programs at Centric facilities offers you a pathway to continued treatment on an outpatient basis.
Intensive Outpatient
Our intensive outpatient programs provide day and night options for clients in need of flexibility when seeking treatment.
Outpatient Treatment
The outpatient programs at Centric Behavioral Health offer a step-down level of care that aides in long-term success in recovery.
Supportive Housing
We offer supportive housing for clients participating in our outpatient programs that provide clients with safety & accountability.
What is Bipolar Disorder?
Bipolar disorder is a mood disorder causing emotional highs, known as mania or hypomania, with lows of depression. When someone is in a period of mania because of bipolar disorder, they might be euphoric, energetic, or irritable, and hypomania is less extreme than mania. The depressive periods in bipolar disorder include hopelessness, sadness, and loss of pleasure in interest in most activities.
Mood swings or episodes can occur multiple times a year in some people or be somewhat rare.
It’s normal to experience occasional ups and downs in your emotions and feelings, but extreme mood shifts define bipolar disorder.
When a person has bipolar, they might not experience any emotional symptoms as they’re between episodes.
The condition is considered lifelong but manageable and treatable. Symptoms can be controlled with an appropriate treatment plan, typically psychotherapy, and medication.
At Centric Behavioral Health, we offer bipolar disorder treatment in Florida that’s immersive, innovative, and client-driven, as well as compassionate.
Bipolar Disorder Symptoms
Most people’s bipolar symptoms begin sometime between late adolescence and early adulthood. Children may rarely have symptoms.
The symptoms can vary depending on the person and the type of bipolar they have.
- Bipolar I disorder includes manic episodes lasting at least seven days, for most of the day almost every day, or it can be diagnosed when manic symptoms are severe to the point that hospitalization is required. Separate depressive episodes will usually occur in bipolar I disorder too, and these often last at least two weeks.
- Bipolar II disorder includes depressive and hypomanic episodes. Hypomanic episodes aren’t as severe as the manic episodes of bipolar I.
- Cyclothymic disorder, also known as cyclothymia, includes recurrent depressive and hypomanic symptoms that aren’t severe enough to be considered hypomanic or depressive.
Specific symptoms of a manic episode can include:
- Feeling elated, jumpy, or irritable
- Being more active than normal
- Feelings of exaggerated power, talent, or importance
- Racing thoughts
- Reduced need to sleep
- Talking fast about many different things (known as a flight of ideas)
- Excessive desire for pleasurable activities, like drinking, sex, or food
- Feeling like you can do a lot of things all at once and not get tired
Symptoms of a depressive episode include:
- Problems with concentration and decision-making
- Challenges falling asleep, waking up early, or sleeping too much
- Loss of interest
- Not able to do simple tasks
- Feeling hopeless or worthless
- Thinking about death or suicide
- Feeling slow or restless
- Feeling sad or anxious
We work with most major insurance carriers.
Centric Behavioral Health facilities work with most major health insurance carriers in order to provide effective, accessible treatment options for substance abuse and mental health.
What Are the Causes of Bipolar Disorder?
The specific underlying causes of bipolar disorder aren’t entirely known, but current research suggests a combination of contributing factors.
One is genetics. This disorder frequently runs in families, and multiple genes play a role rather than one specific one.
Another potential contributor is a difference in brain structure. Some research shows people with bipolar disorder have differences in the structure and function of their brains compared to people without the disorder.
Co-occurring conditions often accompany bipolar include anxiety disorders, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), eating disorders, and substance abuse.
Centric Behavioral Health offers bipolar disorder treatment in Florida and addiction treatment on an inpatient and outpatient basis.

Bipolar Disorder and Substance Use
According to research from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions, the co-occurrence of substance use disorders was highest among people with bipolar disorder compared to other mental health disorders. Various studies show that the lifetime co-occurrence of a substance use disorder for someone with bipolar is anywhere from 22.7% to 59%. Hypomania can also put someone at risk for a substance use disorder, even if they don’t meet all the symptoms for the diagnosis of bipolar disorder.
There are various reasons why the risk of substance abuse is higher in people with bipolar.
One reason can be the desire to self-medicate. When a person has bipolar disorder that’s not well-treated and managed, it can be difficult to function, and they might want to use substances to alleviate the symptoms they’re experiencing and their negative feelings.
Some studies show substance abuse and bipolar disorder can overlap with one another because they’re both disorders of the parts of the brain that regulate reward, motivation, and impulse control.
When someone has a co-occurring mental health disorder and addiction to drugs or alcohol, it can complicate treatment.
Centric Behavioral Health is a bipolar disorder rehab center in Florida offering comprehensive dual-diagnosis treatment programs, considering the complexities of the two disorders.

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Your journey to wellness begins at one of Centric Behavioral Health’s top-rated programs around the country. Our caring admissions team is standing by ready to help you right now.
Treatment for Bipolar Disorder and Addiction
The severest form of a substance use disorder is known as addiction. Substance use is compulsive and out of control when someone has an addiction. Other symptoms of drug or alcohol addiction include:
- Spending significant amounts of time or money obtaining or using substances.
- Continuing to use substances even though it’s causing known negative outcomes.
- Social withdrawal.
- Not meeting obligations at home, school, or work.
- Trying to stop using substances and being unsuccessful in doing so.
- Withdrawal symptoms occur when cutting back or not using.
Many treatments for bipolar and addiction are similar, but each condition should be treated separately. If just an addiction is treated, without treatment for a co-occurring mental health disorder, the risk of relapse is much higher.
Bipolar disorder treatment can include medications such as antidepressants, mood stabilizers, or atypical antipsychotics.
Psychosocial therapies often include cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and other talk therapy forms. CBT helps with what’s known as cognitive restructuring. Cognitive restructuring is a way to identify harmful thoughts, behaviors, and belief patterns and change them.
There are a lot of lifestyle approaches that can help with the management of bipolar symptoms. These can include keeping all therapy appointments and developing a structured routine. Regular exercise and a healthy diet are helpful as well.
How Centric Can Help
Centric Behavioral Health offers Florida bipolar disorder treatment in a safe, comfortable environment. Our treatment programs are individualized for each person and are based on the latest research and evidence. During bipolar treatment in Florida, clients might participate in various programs, gradually stepping into less intense care levels as they’re ready. For example, they might begin treatment with an inpatient, residential program. From there, eventually, they could be ready for outpatient rehab.
If you are looking for mental health or addiction treatment services in Florida or near you, Centric Behavioral Health Can help. If you’d like to learn more about our inpatient drug rehab centers, contact us today.
Let Us Help You Learn to Thrive
Centric Behavioral Health is dedicated to helping others. Our mission is to connect those who contact us with our trusted treatment programs around the country. Contact us today to learn more about our expert programs and how we can help you find long-term healing today.