Understanding Different Types of Mental Health Disorders Mental Health Understanding Different Types of Mental Health Disorders

Understanding Different Types of Mental Health Disorders

There are several types of mental health disorders. It’s not uncommon for many clients to see more than one because symptoms can overlap and exacerbate one another. If you notice any of these symptoms in yourself or someone else, you can reach out to our team today to find the right type of treatment for all types of mental health disorders.

Centric Behavioral Health offers the best mental health treatment near you. Contact us today to learn more.


The most common form of mental illness is depression. Depression can inhibit daily function and leaves you feeling hopeless. There are several forms of depression, including major depressive disorder, depressive episodes related to bipolar disorder, seasonal depression, and postpartum depression.

Symptoms can include:

  • Anxiety
  • Pulling away from friends and family
  • Problems concentrating
  • Sleep issues
  • A lack of interest in things you once loved
  • Low self-esteem
  • Mood swings 
  • Hopelessness


The second most common mental health disorder related to anxiety. Like depression, there are several types of anxiety disorders, including panic disorders, social anxiety disorders, phobias, and generalized anxiety disorders. In any case, these can disrupt daily function and often coexist with depression or PTSD.

Symptoms include:

  • Feeling on edge
  • Irritability
  • Mood swings
  • Headaches
  • Unexplained back, often back pain
  • Restlessness
  • Issues controlling fear
  • Problems breathing
  • Waking up at night with panic attacks


Post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, is a mental health disorder clients develop after a traumatic event takes place. It’s normal for individuals to feel higher stress levels, nightmares, problems sleeping, or fear after any traumatic event, but if those symptoms stick around for months later, they can become PTSD.

PTSD can occur in individuals who experience traumatic events directly, witness them, or hear about them happening to a loved one. Most adults struggle with one traumatic event in their past, and many of those have at least three. 

Symptoms include:

  • Problems sleeping
  • Paranoia
  • Hypervigilance
  • Anxiety
  • Hyperarousal
  • Flashbacks
  • Nightmares

Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder can sometimes be misdiagnosed as depression because it manifests in the form of severe mood changes that can last for several months at a time. Individuals experience manic episodes and depressive episodes.

Bipolar disorder requires lifelong treatment, which is why it’s essential to find a facility that provides therapy and medication for mental health disorders like bipolar disorder.


Likewise, schizophrenia is another condition that can be very severe and disrupt perceptions, thought processes, interactions with other people, and emotional responses, but it requires lifelong care. Proper mental illness treatment programs will involve medication management so that you can find the medication most effective in managing your chronic and acute symptoms.

Personality Disorders

Several types of mental health disorders fall under the category of personality disorders. Ten types of personality disorders can cause significant differences between reality and how you view your experiences. Personality disorders often co-occur with PTSD, depression, or anxiety. Ten percent of people struggle with a personality disorder. Of those, one-quarter will have trouble with addiction, mood disorders, or impulse control. 

Symptoms can include:

  • Paranoia
  • Limited emotional control
  • Discomfort with intimacy
  • A disconnect between personal views and reality


Individuals with mental illness are more likely to self-medicate using drugs and alcohol. Some people self-medicate because they received an incorrect diagnosis originally, such as a diagnosis of depression for bipolar disorder.

Others self-medicate because they don’t realize they have mental health disorders and try to control the symptoms as best they can. But this can lead to addiction, which is a mental health disorder.

Over thirty-seven million people struggle with addiction.  

Symptoms of addiction can include:

  • Mood swings
  • Changes in weight or dietary activity
  • Problems sleeping
  • An inability to stop using drugs or alcohol despite the consequences
  • Experiencing severe cravings on withdrawal symptoms if you stop

Individuals with these types of mental health disorders often also have co-occurring depression, PTSD, or other underlying issues. These can be treated with dual diagnosis services at qualified facilities.

Why Choose Centric Group

If you are noticing symptoms of any of these types of mental health disorders, it’s essential that you find the right treatment right away. If left untreated, several mental health disorders can lead to secondary mental health disorders, physical health problems, and addiction. The right treatment center will focus on your mind and body, offering holistic care to teach you coping skills, self-care, life skills that will help you reduce and manage your symptoms, and medication management.

Some mental health disorders like bipolar disorder or schizophrenia can’t be cured and require lifelong management, and the right treatment center will help you:

  • Learn more about your mental illness
  • Understand personal causes or contributing factors
  • Identify triggers for symptoms
  • Apply coping skills
  • Find relaxation techniques to reduce stress
  • Build a support network

With Centric Group, we can help you find a facility that addresses every part of your mental health disorders so that you overcome things like addiction and receive medication management services, life skills, cbt, or mindfulness training for the symptoms of co-occurring conditions.

Centric Behavioral Health can help you find top-rated addiction treatment in your area. Reach out to Centric Group today to learn more about mental health treatment near you.