What Are the Signs of Cocaine Abuse? Substance Abuse What Are the Signs of Cocaine Abuse?

What Are the Signs of Cocaine Abuse?

Cocaine addiction can disrupt the life of the user and those around them. Cocaine is a highly addictive substance that can lead to a substance abuse disorder after just a few uses. Cocaine also has the most extended time frame for ongoing cravings, up to six months after rehab. But if you get help from a qualified treatment facility, you can overcome cocaine addiction signs and get through your withdrawal more comfortably.

  • As of 2020, over five million people abused cocaine in the last year
  • Over one million people struggle with cocaine addiction
  • Twenty thousand people die from cocaine overdoses annually

Let Centric Group help you find a treatment center that works.

Physical Signs of Cocaine Abuse

Cocaine stimulates the area of the brain that produces rewards. Under normal circumstances, part of your brain releases chemical rewards in exchange for healthy behaviors like eating a good meal, working out, or having sex. 

Under the influence of cocaine, your brain releases more dopamine unrelated to any activity. It prevents your body from reabsorbing that dopamine, which means the high you feel is more intense than you get with things like exercise, and it stays in your system for more time.

Unfortunately, this can lead to signs of cocaine abuse very quickly because it changes how your body responds to stress and the pleasure you feel when engaging in otherwise healthy activities.

Short-term cocaine abuse signs include physical symptoms like:

  • Constricted blood vessels
  • Dilated pupils
  • Increased heart rate 
  • High blood pressure
  • Increase body temperature
  • Runny nose
  • Muscle twitches 

You might see paraphernalia around the house, such as white powder residue on flat surfaces, mirrors, credit cards or rolled-up bills, straws, pipes, small spoons, or lighters.

Psychological Cocaine Abuse Symptoms

An individual struggling with cocaine addiction will likely show a range of psychological symptoms. These often include behavioral problems. 

Relationship Problems

Cocaine abuse symptoms include relationship problems. Someone struggling with an addiction is likely to pull away from friends and family and no longer engage in hobbies they once enjoyed, and this can lead to strain within family dynamics or among friends. Similar issues with money or mood swings can cause further these relationship problems.

Behavioral Changes

Cocaine addiction can cause behavioral problems like mood swings. It’s not uncommon for someone with an addiction to show severe mood swings, including:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Irritability
  • Anger
  • Paranoia
  • Erratic behavior
  • Panic attacks
  • Violence 

Mental Health Disorders

Signs of cocaine abuse can include the development of subsequent mental health disorders. Cocaine addiction causes changes to the brain structure and function, altering the neurochemistry and leading to psychological problems like mood swings and secondary mental health disorders. Over half of the individuals with an addiction also struggle with secondary mental health disorders like anxiety disorders, depressive disorders, or personality disorders. If you notice signs in yourself or a loved one of ongoing mental health issues, it is time to consider help from Centric Group. 

Financial Strain

Some common signs of cocaine abuse involve financial strain. An individual struggling with addiction might be unable to control how much money they spend on obtaining more cocaine or other substances. Money previously allocated for important bills might go missing. If an individual doesn’t have the money, they might end up stealing from a spouse, parent, or sibling.

Legal Troubles

Cocaine abuse symptoms can result in legal trouble. Someone struggling with addiction might find themselves arrested for activities like the purchase or sale of drugs, reckless behavior while under the influence, or driving while under the influence. These can lead to additional financial strain or problems with relationships.

Get Help with Centric Group

Centric Group can connect you to the best level of care for cocaine addiction. We provide high-quality, immersive treatment centers where you can participate in individual and group therapy, experiential treatment, yoga, mindfulness, and meditation. With a client-centered treatment approach, we provide individualized plans that integrate things like family support. All of our team members are compassionate and understanding and work hard to support you with innovative treatment at all of our facilities. 

We also work with major healthcare insurance providers so that your cocaine addiction treatment is more affordable. You can call our team today to verify your insurance benefits and decide which customized cocaine rehab program is best for your situation. When you reach out to Centric Group, we can help you find top-rated addiction treatment centers near you. Contact us today to learn more about addiction treatment services in Florida and other areas near you and how to find the best level of care for your needs.