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Addiction Treatment for Men

Men face unique challenges and experiences related to substance misuse, and these differences should be incorporated into treatment for the best outcomes in recovery. Addiction treatment for men that’s gender-specific can help to uncover underlying contributors to substance use.

Addiction is a chronic disease characterized by a loss of control over the use of drugs or alcohol, even when the substance is causing negative effects.

Centric Behavioral Health offers addiction treatment for men, specializing in their needs. Our drug rehab centers for men are located in Florida, Tennessee, and other nationwide locations.

Treatment Options

Our world-class programs offer evidence-based treatment for substance abuse, dual-diagnosis and mental health conditions in boutique environments. From our expertly trained staff to our individualized treatment planning, when you choose one of our facilities you can trust you are in good hands.

We work with most major insurance carriers.

Centric Behavioral Health facilities work with most major health insurance carriers in order to provide effective, accessible treatment options for substance abuse and mental health.

Substance Use in Men

There is a higher likelihood of men using nearly all types of illicit drugs than women, and in men, this drug use is more likely to lead to emergency department visits or deaths from overdoses.

In nearly all age groups, men have higher substance use or dependence rates than women, although women are as likely as men to develop a substance use disorder. Men tend to use drugs differently than women and respond to them in different ways, and they experience distinct barriers to receiving treatment compared to women.

Men are vulnerable to substance use for reasons including:

  • More tolerant attitudes toward substance abuse than women. For example, men are more likely to binge drink or substance experimentation as a rite of passage.
  • There’s the potential that men are more vulnerable to peer pressure, often because of the concept of toxic masculinity.
  • In men, it’s more common to externalize emotions. Processing emotions can be challenging for men, and when it’s hard to cope with their feelings, men are more likely to be impulsive or aggressive in their behavior. These are traits that are also linked to higher rates of substance abuse.
  • Social connections are considered a protective factor that reduces the risk of developing an addiction. Men tend to have fewer social connections or weaker ties to others than women, which can become an addiction risk factor.
  • It’s difficult for many men to admit they have a problem or ask for help. Men are socially conditioned to believe they can solve their problems without help, which can keep them in denial about their substance use until it becomes a crisis. Women tend to be more open to asking for help in all areas of their lives than men.

Risk factors that can further raise the risk of developing a substance use disorder in men include:

  • Peer influences early in life.
  • A family history that includes the use of substances.
  • Co-occurring mental health disorders.
  • Career choices raise the risk of addiction, especially in certain fields like law enforcement and the financial industry.

Centric Behavioral Health offers drug rehab centers for men. Our programs that include addiction treatment for men consider unique needs and differences, not just in terms of gender but also individual needs.

Addiction Differences in Men vs. Women

Men are more likely to develop an addiction than women. As a result of addiction, they’re more likely to go through economic and social problems. Compared to women, men are more likely to use:

  • Cannabis
  • Stimulants like methamphetamine and cocaine
  • Hallucinogens

Men are around twice as likely as women to binge drink as well.

Using substances can be a way to self-medicate untreated mental health disorders or cope with co-occurring mental illnesses like depression or anxiety.

Centric Behavioral Health offers men drug and alcohol rehab programs based on science and research and an understanding of how personal addiction can be.

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Signs and Symptoms of Addiction in Men

Finding Addiction Treatment for Men

Some men prefer a gender-specific addiction treatment program. This can help you feel more comfortable and at ease when sharing your experiences. Gender-specific programs can be more targeted in the approach to care, and there are fewer distractions.

Along with differences in substance use and addiction patterns, there are also variations in how men and women plan to avoid relapse. Men can be at a higher risk of relapse when they don’t receive treatment for co-occurring mental health disorders. On the other hand, women tend to be more likely to experience a relapse because of a relationship. That indicates the differences in how relapse prevention planning should be integrated into treatment plans for men and women.

Men have to learn how to commit to caring for their own mental health to keep them on track in their recovery. Receiving dual diagnosis treatment for co-occurring disorders while they’re receiving addiction treatment can also help men’s outcomes.

For many men, a continuum of care approach is part of their treatment plan. During a continuum of care, you begin at a high care level and then work your way down into less intensive treatment programs as you’re ready. The levels of care might include:

  • During medical detox, you receive around-the-clock medical care and supervision to go through withdrawal safely and as comfortably as possible, reducing the risk of complications or relapse.
  • Inpatient rehab programs are residential, so you live onsite for a period of time while receiving intensive treatment. Your treatment day includes a combination of group and individual therapies and holistic programs like yoga and art therapy.
  • Outpatient programs vary significantly in intensity. There are more intensive outpatient programs, and then as you’re ready and you’ve developed coping skills, you might transition into a traditional outpatient program. These are flexible, and you’re responsible for maintaining accountability for your recovery while receiving continued support from your treatment team.
  • Aftercare is a big part of addiction treatment for men. Aftercare planning starts while you’re still in treatment, and it helps you reduce your risk of relapse by identifying your triggers and developing strategies to deal with them.

Centric Offers Addiction Treatment For Men

Men face unique challenges in addiction and recovery. Addiction treatment for men should be evidence-based and consider these challenges.

Centric Behavioral Health offers research-driven but compassionate addiction treatment for men in a comfortable environment. If you are looking for mental health or addiction treatment services in Florida or near you, Centric Behavioral Health Can help. If you’d like to learn more about our inpatient drug rehab centers, contact us today.

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Centric Behavioral Health is dedicated to helping others. Our mission is to connect those who contact us with our trusted treatment programs around the country. Contact us today to learn more about our expert programs and how we can help you find long-term healing today.