Tips For a Successful Drug InterventionSubstance AbuseTips For a Successful Drug Intervention

Tips For a Successful Drug Intervention

If you have a loved one struggling with addiction, it can be overwhelming when you don’t know what to do. In some cases, you might recognize that there is a need for help, but your loved one might not. These are situations where you might need to consider a drug intervention. There are several professional drug intervention programs where you work with a specialist who helps guide you and your family through the process and facilitates the event. 

Sometimes finding professional drug interventionists can make it a lot easier, but it’s still crucial for you and your family to figure out a few tips to make the process better for everyone. 

Centric Behavioral Health offers top-rated addiction treatment centers near you. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help.

Tip #1: Participants

When you work with drug interventionists, you have the opportunity to decide who should be a part of your drug intervention.

Just because someone is a close relative does not necessarily mean they would be a successful contributor to the process.

For example:

Cindy and Thomas have a 19-year-old son who lives at home and is struggling with addiction. Their son has significant trust issues with his father, Thomas, because two years prior, Thomas was the one who called the cops on his own son and had him arrested for growing marijuana at home. Since that time, there has been poor communication, mistrust, and a few verbally abusive outbursts on behalf of Thomas toward his son. 

In the example above, just because Cindy and Thomas are his parents doesn’t necessarily mean that having both parties involved in the drug intervention programs would be the most successful. If the goal is to approach the drug intervention with love and support, Thomas might not be in a good place to support his son right now, nor would the current strain on their relationship necessarily prove fruitful. Given the mistrust, their son might believe that it’s a trick if Thomas is involved.

This is a highly personal matter; you can work with a drug interventionist to decide who should participate. This can include:

  • Parents
  • Siblings
  • Spouses or partners
  • Children
  • Grandparents
  • Aunts or uncles
  • Cousins
  • Godparents
  • Close family friends

Tip #2: Practice

Another key to success is practice. This is not a time for improvisation. Every participant should draft what it is they want to say to their loved one and practice saying it out loud. Sometimes when you work with a drug intervention specialist, you can do practice runs where everybody reads their statements with one another before the actual drug intervention.

A drug interventionist will help you:

  • Figure out what you want to say to your loved one
  • Help you practice
  • Provide a time and place to host the drug intervention

Tip #3: Program

The overall goal of any drug intervention is to convince a loved one that it’s time to get help. It’s important to face the truth that this may or may not come to fruition. When you work with drug interventionists, they will prepare you for the potential outcomes of your attempt.

And one of those potential outcomes is that your loved one chooses to accept help. If that happens, your family must have a program at a legitimate drug and alcohol rehab center on standby.

Centric Group can help you and your family review several available programs in your area and decide which type of drug and alcohol rehab program is best for your circumstances. You can review different centers with the help of your drug interventionist based on things like:

  • Qualifications
  • Whether they take your insurance
  • Where they are located
  • What programs do they offer
  • The types of therapies used

Not all facilities are the same. If your loved one is also struggling with mental health disorders, they will benefit the most from a drug and alcohol rehab center specializing in dual diagnosis treatment. Similarly, if you have someone struggling with alcoholism, you’ll need a facility specializing in medication-assisted detox to combat the potential side effects and health complications associated with alcohol withdrawal.

Centric Behavioral Health offers top-rated drug detox centers near you.

If you aren’t sure which type of treatment would be best for your loved one, we can help you better understand the different levels of care. If you need help planning a drug intervention, it’s good to consider facilities that offer drug intervention programs as part of their services. 

Reach out to Centric Group today to start your search for the perfect program or institution with drug interventionists.